HP in Engineering and Design
Effective integration of Human Performance principles throughout the design and engineering of new or modified facilities represents one of the most efficient methods of preventing human error and mitigating its consequences.
The objective is to create tools, systems and working environments that function intuitively for end users. In simple terms, it is about fitting the task and environment to users, rather than requiring users to adapt themselves. Error tolerant designs are less susceptible to human error. That is, they are less likely to facilitate error, and better able to recover when errors do occur.
The content for this section is currently under development. If you have any questions or feedback, or wish to share your approach in this area, please email us at admin@hpog.org
Meantime you may wish to look at the resources below:
Energy Institute briefing note on Ergonomics.
Energy Institute briefing note on Alarm Handling. HSE Guidance available here.
HSE Guidance on Workstation Design.
Fact sheet on Principles and Characteristics of Design.